Trying to transfer your license, or move Prism to a new computer? You can permanently reclaim your license from your old computer in order to install on your replacement computer.
For a Prism personal subscription, login to your online Prism account page at and scroll down to "Activations".
For Prism group licenses:
If you're a user under a Prism group license, you'll need to directly contact your Prism group license administrator to request help transferring to a new computer.
If you are the license administrator of a group subscription, login to your online Prism account page at and click on the Activations tab and click on the Show Deactivations link. The Show Deactivations page will show you a list of all of the machines that have been deactivated under your license. Please refresh the page if you do not see a list of deactivated machines.
Please note that deactivation should only be used if you are taking a computer permanently out of circulation. Activations are tied to a unique Prism-generated machineID number, not the user name or computer name. If you are simply wiping a computer and reinstalling the license on the same computer, Prism will treat it as the same computer and will not consume an additional activation. You should only use the deactivation feature if that computer is being permanently removed from service.
For a Prism perpetual license:
If you have purchased a Prism perpetual license, please contact us at with your Prism serial number to request help with your license transfer. Note: Online license management portals are not available for perpetual licenses.